Category Archives: Introduction

The Meticulous Scorpio Rooster Personality

The ancient Chinese illustrated the Rooster as a bright, quick, sociable character who is also a bit of a b Those people born in the astrological Year of the Rooster are assumed to gain some of these likeable but fussy characteristics. When the individual concerned is born under the Western Astrology sign of Scorpio these meticulous traits are strong. A Scorpio Rooster is great fun to be with and very loving if you can cope with their fastidious side. Their plentiful intelligence, wit and sociability often dominate this finicky mannerism and it more than makes up for their over fussiness.

A Scorpio Rooster is a fairly well balanced personality that can get along with most other people. These individuals are affectionate, caring and quite calm, they rarely show mood swings but may appear distant or aloof at times. Scorpio Rooster’s are often extremely organized and many will utilize these skills in professions that require them. These are friendly personalities who are hard working and highly inventive. Many of these Scorpio’s may consider self employment as they are inclined to be very good at spotting viable business opportunities.

Family is immensely important and special to the Scorpio Rooster and so when they decide to live independently they usually stay nearby. These personalities also value their friends and will show much loyalty towards them. This can cause issues when they embark upon a personal relationship and find that they have to divide and share their time. A Scorpio Rooster will sometimes take a lot of convincing to commit to long term partners without the reassurance of still having regular contact with their friends. A Scorpio Rooster benefits greatly from socializing as an escapism from work and the monotonous daily routines of life. They like to have a laugh to best unwind and relax and find their friends fit the bill every now and then.

Scorpio Rooster’s are sometimes a little bossy, impatient and forceful in their manner but it is usually well intentioned. It is just their way of encouraging and motivating others. These conscientious personalities are intelligent and often struggle to understand why everyone is not on the same level intellectually. They are normally excellent at explaining how to do things and can do so in numerous different ways but can occasionally lose their patience. In relationships they will search for partner’s that are able to understand their occasional impatience and not let it bother them too much.

The Scorpio Rooster’s character has a small weakness aside from his over tidiness that can cause him or her issues. This is the inclination to not know when to give up on something. These people tend to set their goals high often underestimating their ability or available time. Once they begin things a Scorpio Rooster will find it incredibly difficult to stop until they have finished. If they do not manage to achieve a task or ambition in life then they simply keep trying. They have to learn, sometimes the hard way, to differentiate between what is achievable and what is not.

  • Some believe that #Scorpios take life too seriously
  • intensity often drives them to devote themselves totally to causes they feel passionate about
  • ‘s are often single because they shut people out.
  • #Scorpio Dislikes=exposure, simplicity, interruption, fake / dishonest people, being taken advantage of, broken promises
  • ‘s are extremely ambitious, persistent and determined.
  • #Scorpio is often reserved and a little unsure of their place within a group at first, often observing instead of speaking.



Hello everyone, welcome to my blog! 🙂 In my lifetime I always wanted to write a blog, but taking this opportunity I’m finally here. Well I don’t know how to start off but hey, let’s go through the basics of introducing myself haha. I’m a university student studying Accountancy and yes yes for any Asian families or friends omg so typical, but this is the road I have chosen for my future. Although the future is blurry, I will work hard for the ones I love, and importantly for myself. I love business, music, and design! 😀

When I was a kid, I remember someone telling me whenever you are unhappy, just write about it. I mean right now I’m happy to start off so nothing sad has approached me…yet. Writing expresses my thoughts and ideas. I may be simple, but reading through my blog as time progresses, you will understand (了解) much more as an individual. In my blog, I will be sharing my experiences, hopes, wonders and much more! I love music and films especially Hong Kong 80年代 so you will definitely see me post topics about this. The road ahead of me is very long and I hope you can follow me on my journey. So let’s get started! 🙂