247 days left

I feel lost now. Following up “315 days left” a lot has altered my thoughts and decisions…some for the better good and some for the worse. Although I’ve achieved most of my goals for the year 2015, the next big question mark is 2016!?

I think that fear has now surfaced, reality check. Partly I have been mature during my work placement and those days goes really fast. Now I’ve been back at university for over 4 months and it hasn’t 100% sunk into me yet to be honest. Career for anybody is important because that’s establishing the root of everything in this massive lonely world. The more I think about it, the more scarier reality becomes. I still remember when I was in college (sixth form) and I was thinking about it too, how time really flies!

So until 01/09/2016 what are my aims? Time is slowing ticking and I can’t just say enjoy each and every moment of it…well yes that is true haha I need to enjoy it…once it’s gone it’s gone! ๐Ÿ˜ฆ Besides the working life I always feel friendship is important to me and that’s why in 2016 I am aiming to connect back with my old friends that goes way back to primary school days!

Another matter I like to address is love. My aim is to really find a girlfriend and hopefully be the ONLY one. It’s about time! I knew the year 2015 would be difficult but I’m not saying I’m desperate-ish aha. I think it’s the right time because like I’ve said many times I would like a Cantonese speaking girlfriend. Strictly traditional. I already have one girl in my mind, and it’s been the same one for many years, can’t believe I’m that loyal or even stupid for her. Her name is Nicky.

Even though it’s been over a year since I have tried confessing my feelings for her, I know it won’t change anything even now. Like she said once, she doesn’t want to give any false hopes…hard to digest but *smile that’s reality. Dreams may be sweet but reality stings. And yes I have been lying to myself ever since and probably even before when she left that day at college, never to be seen again in reality. Right now at this point I feel I’m ready to let go of this illusion. She’s a great girl and she needs a real man. It’s not going to be me I admit because it’s not confidence or anything, but rather…doubts. Although there’s 8 months left on that countdown but that won’t change anything in the near future. I’ve decided. If she really wants this then all I can say is I’ll be waiting for you.

Wherever life takes me I’ll go. I don’t want to lose her, I want to maintain that friendship forever but anything beyond that it’s a mere illusion. Now I finally understand that my career is most important. Best things happen for those who wait. I need to really focus on my career. Relationship is one thing but establishing a firm foundation in my life is very important. Although I may think too ahead but I want best for the family.

I don’t know where I’ll be in 10 years time, somewhere on the other side of the world or lost in the vast ocean. My family and close friends have high expectations of me but sometimes I think I can’t do it alone, I need my other half with me. All I can say I’m waiting at the platform Nicky, once the train leaves I’m taking my heart with me, never returning. You can say it’s a waiting game but at this moment…I don’t want you anymore.

Farewell my lover x

Welcoming 2016

It feels like I wrote “Welcoming 2015” like just yesterday. Like I said in that post…2015 is going to be my year!!! What a year it’s been ๐Ÿ™‚ Time flies. As we embrace the new year, let’s also reflect on year that has gone by. Whether it’s good or bad, I believe everything happens for a reason.

For me this year has totally been flowing my way. I’ve achieved so many things and I don’t mind sharing this because I can look back with pride!

  • Created 3 mixtapes under one year
  • Going abroad on my own
  • Met my pride getting fitter and stronger in the gym
  • Able to get a placement and work for a good year
  • Created a mega medley video on YouTube
  • Passed my driving test
  • Gaining the hairstyle I finally wanted for years

These may seem minor to individuals but for me this has been my year! I think last time I said that was when it was in 2010, but having progressed so much I am really happy!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ What more can I really ask for?! Well to be honest there are a few more things, which I’ll be mentioning next.

Since I’ve achieved many great things in the year 2015, what will next year bring? I only have three motives:

(1) Spend more quality time with family and meet old friends again
(2) Focus on my career and study hard to find a good job
(3) Find a sweet girlfriend (it’s about time)

Well another motive which I should add onto that list is learning mandarin!!! Also I’m gonna try reduce using social media sites. Staring at a screen for too long loses focus in the real objective in life. Thank you for the experience that you have taught me so far and I know there’s much more to learn, and I hope 2016 will be the year I see the wider perspective of life.

Maybe in the future when it’s nearing the end of 2016 I can reflect back on this and see what I’ve gained and what I’ve lost. All I know in the new year it’s all about dedication and perseverance.

Farewell 2015 and what a year it’s been ๐Ÿ™‚
Happy new year x

Welcoming 2015

I told you it’ll be MY year! Boss!!!!


OMG itโ€™s almost 2015 here in the UK!!! Well in Hong Kong and other countries itโ€™s that year, but in this lovely cold miserable country itโ€™s almost time ๐Ÿ™‚ To be honest ever since the start of the year 2014 I didnโ€™t like it. Why? Well because in Chinese tradittionallll culture lol, the number four isnโ€™t a good number. Basically this year has been pretty shit. Thereโ€™s been good times which I wonโ€™t deny but itโ€™s been shit lol. I think Iโ€™ve said this in one of my previous posts but hey!

I canโ€™t wait for the year 2015 haha! Itโ€™ll feel different! Maybe itโ€™s because itโ€™s a number 5 and not a 4 haha! This year is going to be my year. Music, work, family, study, life in general and a big MAYBE finding someone but I wonโ€™t bet on it. Will I be turning over a new leafโ€ฆ

View original post 38 more words

Not Enough

How shall I start this? I know she cares but doesnโ€™t care enough. Thatโ€™s the only part I struggle to grasp with.

I wanna tell her I love you but I canโ€™t say it with passion anymore, at this very point of time. I just feel we’re not that close anymore, thatโ€™s what time does. I really do blame myself because I felt back then I could have talked to her every single day and hold onto that feeling. But look at now, I mean at the end of the day we’re still there for each other but…it’s not the same anymore

I admit I have been trying to chase her since she left that day ๐Ÿ˜ฆ I just felt a piece of me went missing. It’s a sad feeling and even if I do tell her how I feel it wouldn’t change anything. Time has changed.ย  Maybe 5 years ago I would say we matched and we got along well. But 5 years later…a lot has happened and maybe you’ve grown out of the world you once was in. I can just wish the best for you in the future and maybe one day I can fall in love with you again like the very first time.

At the end of all of this I just really want to be with you. After these long hard 8 months, will I finally get the chance to be with my dream girl? As each day goes my doubt grows too.

Just sitting there and thinking back is great but the situation is the near future. It’s soon approaching the new year of 2016, and maybe I should turn over a new leaf…what has passed is past. A part of me tells me not to give in and wait for those 8 months to pass and see what happens *sigh.

To me she’s a great friend and to be honest it could have stayed like that but over time I’ve been drawn to her. I don’t want to lose her.

A trait of mine is to stay loyal to one girl. If I meet somebody else I don’t know how to deal with it ๐Ÿ˜ฆ Hopefully one day I can wake up from this slumber and find the right girl. That is my goal for the new year. I really wish it’ll be you but only fate can decide…



2 Years Time [2014 Post]

Hey everybody ๐Ÿ™‚ Today I would like to write a post about the near future, in two years time. Personally I have this time frame in my mind that the things I would like to do must be done within the next two years in my life, or else it’ll be too late. What do you mean?

Well ever I started sixth form (college) I’ve always had this perception where I need to find myself a girlfriend before I graduate. Many years have passed and now I’m doing a year placement and after that I’m back at university to complete my final course. Besides my troublesome love life, the things I need to do and the things I want to do needs to be done soon. Hope I haven’t confused you but personally there are things I would like to achieve, and so far it’s only the first step which is good I suppose. The thing I really hate about myself is I always have a high expectation of myself and when I’m not satisfied, I’m sometimes moody or the worse sulk like a kid haha! I’ll give you an example. When I received my 2nd university grades, I wasn’t happy with 70% on my Small Business Enterprise (SME) module, because in the past I achieved 79/80 marks in a similar module. My parents were happy but the problem was just me, always wanting more. Is it a problem that you want to achieve more than usual? I know it’s a good thing to aim higher, if you did try your best then you can’t do anymore right hmm.

Anyways sorry back to the topic lol, within these two years there’s many things I would like to do. So far this year I achieved one of personal goals and that’s completing my “Cherish” music album. If you’re a new follower to my blog, well I’m rapper and released my mixtape on 28th February 2014. Music for me is a hobby but if God decides a bigger plan for me then let it be. I’m so happy with my achievement, I’ve been planning an album since 2010 and when you accomplish something you made for a long period of time, you’re filled with so much joy in your heart! ๐Ÿ™‚

Okay since that’s mission accomplished, I’ve got others to accomplish. I know that after graduating life becomes much more important and our minds are focused on our careers. I won’t find the time to do the things I would like, and since I have this time at this moment I shouldn’t waste it at all! Time is important to us we all know, it’s just how we use it. Within my two years these are the things I would like to achieve and aim for:

  • I want to improve my speaking in Cantonese and mandarin language, and importantly writing
  • Definitely obtain my driving license and owning a car because I’ve been making excuses long enough
  • Train hard physically and retain the body I once had in 2010, losing excess fat in the body and face
  • Change my attitude for the better good in society
  • Try my best to treat and reduce the acne on my face
  • Grow back my hair long so I can look like Aaron Kwok (้ƒญๅฏŒๅŸŽ) in the early 90s haha
  • Go soul searching for my other half and marry her one day
  • Chant more daimoku and support others

I don’t mind sharing my thoughts with you all, these are my 8 aims I MUST achieve. No excuses, time is running out. It seems far away but mentally picturing myself that moment after graduation without achieving any of these just destroys me inside. It’s easy to write my aims but to commit to the action, well that’s the other part I need to do. It’s not gonna be easy but I can’t give up. I want people in 2 years time to see a difference in not just my appearance but my character as well. I want to make people proud that I’ve grown up, well I have already but some people expect much more. Last but not least you can say I’m doing it for her too, but my main priority is achieving those above. I think there’s more important things than just love. Thank you to all my followers for giving me much love ๐Ÿ™‚ See you next time on my next post.


One day when I’m in my late 30s I want to be reminded of the “fire” I once had when I was 22 years old. What I mean by that is right now I feel full of energy and determination to acheive things during this period. But what will happen in the future? The only thing I know is that my fire may not be shining as bright as before.

When you’re a youth you have goals to do this and be like this person, and maybe when you got to that age, you realise you have everything already, family, wealth, a nice house, and friends etc. Probably this will what it’ll be like in let’s say in 20 years time. I may not be flexible like I once was but my pride always keep myself up! ๐Ÿ™‚

To be honest thinking about it now, in 20 years now maybe I want to REALLY test myself and go out jogging and working out in the gym. I should be much stronger by then, but in terms of endurance that is the element which may drag me down…but so what, my pride will make me stand firm!!

Ahhh the year 2015. Achieved many things and looking back what a journey. Seems this year has gone rather fast maybe due to being on my year work placement ๐Ÿ™‚ The only part which is slow is going back to university for my final year haha.

At the end of all this…my fire is still blazing with passion and determination!!

A month since…

…it was my birthday. A month before that was three heptic exams and the release of my final mixtape. And I haven’t even shared it on my blog site damn ๐Ÿ˜ฆ Well I will share it asap and the by the way the mixtape is entitled as “Reflections Of My Life“.

A lot has happend so far and we’re entering into the final 11 days till new year. Wow how time flies is unbelievable!! In 3 weeks time I have another set of exams and I’m dreading those now >.> But the next 11 days I shall do my best to enjoy myself with my close friends and family because it is a special time of the year ๐Ÿ™‚ Well of course try…well not try but “must” get my studies done as well because I don’t want to repeat the mistake twice!! ๐Ÿ˜ฆ