Seeing potential in you…

At first, you’re probably reading the title, and thinking hey he’s finally found someone…but unfortunately it’s still the same old story 😦 I found this cute quote again, which was on my Instagram page, and does anyone spring into my mind when I read this out?

The more I think about it, the more I should just give up persisting for her love. When I mean “her”, I mean my future girlfriend/wife. Life is unpredictable, and right now it looks dim. There’s no point fighting for it, just let it be. Right now, I do have someone in my mind, but I’ll doubt there’ll be a spark…more likely to be unacquainted love…the sad feeling of loving someone you couldn’t have?

I guess my main piority will be focusing on my career and polishing myself up for the upcoming future…and to be honest that’s all I can do…you cannot force love. A part of me really hopes I meet you soon, I need you x

It’s been a while…

To be honest, it has been a while. The last time I’ve properly wrote a post was the beginning of this month. So you’re wondering, whats been cracking?

Well, I’ve been saving money that’s it haha. It hasn’t been that exciting really. No modifications to my car, or blowing money on unnecessary items…quite a simple month. I’ve been going to the cinemas recently to watch John Wick and The Great Wall, but I wouldn’t call that overspending, just pure entertainment in my free time.

The job market this month has been really quiet. So this definitely ain’t my month. Well, searching for new opportunities is one thing, but my current job situation is improving, which I am happy about. Gotta keep grinding and work hard, until the timing is right.

I have been reflecting more this month, but there’s been no particular actions taken to rectify this…thinking more than doing. But what I’ve gained is to see where I’m at now at this moment of time, and what I truly want. Sometimes in life, we can steer away from our main focus, but with our sheer determination I’m sure it can put us back on the track.


是誰在我彩虹之中 截取了我最愛的色彩
是誰在這人海中 奪走了我的愛
狂哭都變做歌 願命運難為我改
我要我要繼續愛 我要我要約誓永不改


Looking back and forth in this lifetime, I’m sure we’ve all had different piorities in certain stages in our lives. Before, it was completing my studies and ensuring I graduate with a upper second class honors or higher.
As time goes on, we will change…along with the environment surrounding us, so it’s important to always reflect on ourselves and make sure we pioritise what’s important in our lives. It could be family, career, or love ones etc.

These are my piorities in no particular order:

  • Securing a permanent job
  • Girlfriend
  • Music
  • Study to become fully qualified in my job field
  • Staying fit and healthy

I always want to have it I all, but I’m learning that it’s quite impossible to do so and pioritising my options are my only choice. I think in my position, securing a permanent well paid job is step number one. The rest is secondary. There are times I wanted to step back into the spotlight at making music again, but what difference would it make…it’s only my pride. As time passes, we become more mature and we understand what’s more important to us. Less talk, more action right 🙂